Facundo Mémoli

I am a professor in the Department of Mathematics and in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University.

I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, a small country in Latin America, where I obtained a Electrical Engineering and MMS degrees from the Universidad de la República in 2000 and 2001.

My research interests include topics in the intersection of metric geometry, topology, probability, and applications to science and engineering such as topological data analysis, and networks.

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I lead the Network Data Analysis group.

I am a member of the OSU TGDA group.

I am currently the PI on three NSF grants: NSF-DMS-1723003, NSF-IIS-1901360, and NSF-CCF-1740761: TRIPODS, TGDA@OSU". I am also the PI on BSF 2020124. I am a co-PI in the following projects: NSF-RTG grant on "Algebraic Topology and its Applications", NSF-CCF-1839358, TRIPODS+X:RES, and NSF-CCF-1839356, TRIPODS+X:EDU.

My email facundo.memoli@gmail.com.

My current CV [pdf].

Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
100 Math Tower
231 West 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: (614) 292-4975
Fax: (614) 292-1479